(207) 503-3030
Redefining Contaminated Dredge Containment: The Success of Bottom Sealing Filter Barrier in the Hudson River
Improving Water Quality in Lake Attitash: The Impact of Nutrient Reduction Barriers
No Turbidity Exceedances During Use of Mackworth Barriers for Seacoast Reliability Project in NH
Mackworth Provides Training on Bottom-Sealing Filter Barrier Technology for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Mackworth Presents Poster at 2020 North American Lake Management Society Conference
Intake Protection Season Complete for 11th Year of CWA 316(b) Compliance in Excluding Fish Eggs
Testing Underway at Bauneg Beg Lake to Demonstrate Effectiveness of Nutrient Removal Barrier
Mackworth Engages Members of the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) about 316(b) Solutions